2.5D Training Progression Report. Unity

Mohamed Hijazi
2 min readApr 24, 2021

Today we will start a new project with GameDevHQ program.

The project is going to be a 2.5D platformer. We will start in a 3D environment but lock the camera and movement to a 2D axis.

There a few main objectives for this project.

Here are a few:

  1. Get acquainted with moving the player using Character Controller
  2. Make a wall jump move to the player
  3. Make a functional lift system
  4. Make a modular moving platform
The world

Character Controller

After setting up the environment and adding the player as a capsule, I added the character controller component to the player.

Using the character controller allows us to have even more control over the player movement by directly assigning and manipulating gravity. I will get into more details about this in a later article.

The Character controller has a very handy method called “Move()”. Using this method we can move the player.

_controller.Move(_velocity * Time.deltaTime);

The velocity Vector represents the move direction of the player multiplied by the speed.

Here is how it looks:

See you in the next progression report:)



Mohamed Hijazi

A knowledge seeking biologist who is following his passion into a full time career in Unity / Game Development. https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohamed-hijazi/